El bosque oscuro (Trilogía de los Tres Cuerpos, #2)


Tapa blanda, 576 páginas

Idioma Spanish

Publicado el 15 de Diciembre de 2019

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4 estrellas (9 reseñas)

The Dark Forest (Chinese: 黑暗森林) is a 2008 science fiction novel by the Chinese writer Liu Cixin. It is the sequel to the Hugo Award-winning novel The Three-Body Problem in the trilogy titled "Remembrance of Earth's Past", but Chinese readers generally refer to the series by the title of the first novel. The English version, translated by Joel Martinsen, was published in 2015. The novel's title comes from the dark forest hypothesis, coined by Liu in the novel, but described by astronomer and author David Brin as early as 1983 as a possible solution to the Fermi paradox.

9 ediciones

El bosque oscuro, Liu Cixin (Lurraren iraganaren oroitzapena (Hiru gorputzak); 2)

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