Tapa blanda, 544 páginas

Idioma Gaztelania

Publicado el 23 de Agosto de 2021 por Nova.

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4 estrellas (23 reseñas)

Un único astronauta.

Una misión imposible.

Un aliado que jamas habrás imaginado.

Ryland Grace es el único superviviente en una misión desesperada. Es la última oportunidad y, si fracasa, la humanidad y la Tierra misma perecerán.

Claro que, de momento, él no lo sabe. Ni siquiera puede recordar su propio nombre, y mucho menos la naturaleza de su misión o cómo llevarla a cabo.

Lo único que sabe es que ha estado en coma inducido durante mucho mucho tiempo. Acaba de despertar y se encuentra a millones de kilómetros de su hogar, sin más compañía que la de dos cadáveres.

Muertos sus compañeros de tripulación, y a medida que va recuperando confusamente los recuerdos, Grace se da cuenta de que se enfrenta a una misión imposible. Recorriendo el espacio en una pequeña nave, depende de él acabar con una amenaza de extinción para nuestra especie.

Sin apenas tiempo y con …

14 ediciones

Proyecto Hail Mary

4 estrellas

La he disfrutado a lo grande. Es pura épica -un héroe solitario embarcado en una misión imposible, un personaje plano y sin matices porque lo que importa es el viaje, el objetivo final. Las dos tramas que se superponen y complementan logran mantener el interés hasta el final y el ritmo es perfecto para enganchar al lector. Sí: no hay alardes de estilo, personajes elaborados ni estructura literariamente grandiosa. Ni falta que hace. Es pura scifi bien disfrutona y adictiva, plagadita de detalles científicos y absolutamente coherente generando su propio espacio ficticio. Si te gusta la scifi, hay que leerla.

Problem - Solution

3 estrellas

Andy Weir writes pretty good one note hero stories that are heavy on the science and engineering and feel screen ready. This was enjoyable, but not particularly deep. Like The Martian, the protagonist suffers from a series of obstacles and overcomes them one at at time, with the application of dark humour and science and significantly less potatoes.

Absolute Favorite

5 estrellas

This book instantly became one of my top 10 favorites.

The humor and the science is a big draw for me. Everything is so thuroughly explained to the point where you learn while you're sucked into the world and environment. The chemistry is the most interesting that I have ever read.

Right around the half-way mark I started to fall into the world more. I was sucked in and couldnt get out. Once I finished I just stared at the page hoping that once I blinked more pages would appear; I just wanted more even though the ending was quite succinct.

This is absolutely a great read, another banger by Andy Weir~!

Review of 'Proyecto Hail Mary' on 'Goodreads'

5 estrellas

Me ha encantado. Es muy entretenido y siempre están pasando cosas. El robo es desenfadado y el nivel de ciencia no es muy alto, diría que lo disfrutas si sabes de los temas pero que no es necesario para pasar un buen rato leyendo.

Disponible en audiolibro en ebiblio Madrid madrid.ebiblio.es/resources/60cc452978d89f00010166da

Review of 'Project Hail Mary' on 'Goodreads'

5 estrellas

This is my first review of a book and is a kind of reaction to the one star commentaries that I saw. For sure I have read The Martian a while back and I can see that this book is similar, but I think a lot of people enjoy it (like I did) because of those similarities. Sure, there are a lot of cliché characters but in the kind of hopefully vision of the future that is lacking right now. The stereotipe of scientists from Russia, China, America and other places that set aside differences to save the world is a much needed hope that if the world is at stake we will all come together. Sure, the book is not all fairies and rainbows, the hero is actually a coward sent against is will to save humanity and in the mean time there is almost a surety that there …

Review of 'Project Hail Mary' on 'Goodreads'

5 estrellas

What a lovely read this was... I tend to read some pretty heavy sprawling-plot sci-fi, and came at this knowing virtually nothing about it other than having seen The Martian in the cinema. As such, I found the small, contained nature of the story (despite the huge consequences in the background) to be thoroughly refreshing. I was smiling throughout and constantly wanting to read on to find out what happened next. I was up 'til 1am last night because I got close to the end and just had to keep going. Excellent.

repite a fórmula do éxito

3 estrellas

"A fórmula de El Marciano repítese de xeito demasiado evidente. Resulta entretido, e con coñecementos de ensino secundario podes desfrutar lembrando aquelas asignaturas de física e química. Parecese que entendes algo."

"O libro é fácil de ler, podes ler aos poucos sen problema de perder o fío da historia xa que non ten dobleces no argumento, nin significados ou reflexións que requiran un nivel de concentración elevado."


Review of 'Project Hail Mary' on 'Goodreads'

4 estrellas

The plot twist around Ryland's amnesia is great!
"Space amoeba" story done right.
Relationship between Ryland and Rocky is endearing.
Audiobook elevates the whole experience.

Protagonist with amnesia trope has been done before.
Rocky has interesting alien physiology & boring human psychology.
* Earthbound story-line and characters seem childish & oversimplified compared to science in space sequences.

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