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Isidro López

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Los libros de Isidro López

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Objetivo de Lectura de 2024

¡4% terminado! Isidro López ha leído 1 de 24 libros.

Alex Xu: System Design Interview - an Insider's Guide, Second Edition (2020, Independently Published) Sin valoración

System design interviews are the most difficult to tackle of all technical interview questions. This …

This book is great if your main goal is to pass the unfortunately typical "systems design interview" in some companies (been there, done that). Also for "generic high-level knowledge" in that topic.

At the same time, there are several important "dangers" in the book: - For someone without the "proper mindset", it can easily lead to BDUF (Big Design Up Front) and a continuous violation of the YAGNI principle. Even if a couple of mentions to it are done throughout the book, they are far away from being enough and that should be warned continuously. - Some references/technologies are "too old" and there are better ones for some goals. - Some explanations are technically wrong (not sure if on purpose "for simplification purposes" or not). Unfortunately, I didn't write down which ones and I can't remember the details by heart :-/

Because of the previous points, IMO this is NOT …

Ursula K. Le Guin: Los desposeídos (Paperback, 2020, Minotauro, MINOTAURO) 4 estrellas

Ganadora de los premios Hugo, Nebula, Locus, Jupiter y Prometheus. Shevek, un físico, originario de …

Vergüenza me da decir esto, pero... no he conectado con la historia. Soy capaz de valorar la maravilla del estilo de Ursula K. Le Guin, "sus mundos", pero me queda claro que no soy "público objetivo", no me ha "fascinado" (sí "gustado" sin más), una pena. Me ha servido para tomar consciencia de que en realidad nunca he conectado con las películas/novelas/historias que retratan mundos imaginarios múltiples :-/

Dicho lo cual: hay algunas partes que para mí son casi "ensayo" que he disfrutado muchísimo. Y probablemente quien conecte con esta literatura podrá disfrutarla muchísimo :-)