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Terry Pratchett: La Luz Fantastica (The Light Fantastic) (Paperback, Spanish language, 2004, Debolsillo) 3 estrellas

Mundodisco #2 Un nuevo día, sereno y apacible, empieza en el Mundodisco. Como es habitual, …

Review of 'La Luz Fantastica (The Light Fantastic)' on 'Goodreads'

Sin valoración

Lo importante de tener muchas cosas que recordar es ir a algún sitio a recordarlas, ¿comprendes? Tienes que detenerte. No has estado en ninguna parte hasta que no vuelves a casa. Eso es lo que intento decir. - Dosflores.

Antonio Gala: Samarkanda ; El hotelito (Spanish language, 1985, Espasa-Calpe) 3 estrellas

Review of 'Samarkanda ; El hotelito' on 'Goodreads'

3 estrellas

Antonio Gala introduces us to 5 women who chat, argue, reconcile, etc. at the hotelito. These women are representations of different autonomous communities: Galicia (Carmiña), Andalusia (Rocío), Madrid (Paloma), Catalonia (Montserrat) and the Basque Country (Begoña). As a result of this representation, the play introduces us to a double reality: the current story and the one the characters live in their allegorical function.

The country (el hotelito) is where they all live but they are selling it to a foreign buyer. Finally, after many disputes, they decide to keep it and continue living together since they realize they need each other.

This play shows politics from a humorous point of view: folklore, songs, gastronomy, travels, languages, etc. At times I must admit that it was a bit too heavy, but I found it a very intriguing and curious way of explaining and representing Spanish politics and history. …