
"Verdadero legado y quintaesencia de sus investigaciones, Miller no sólo explica, como en sus ensayos …

Review of 'Salvar tu vida' on 'Goodreads'

3 estrellas

Interesting book. It exposes several thoughts/theories/observations that it had been in my mind for several years now, so it resonated to me a lot. I found the last section, the "diary of a mother", highly touching...

Despite that, my rating is "low" because:
I found it too "binary" and simplistic in her identification of "the main source of evil/suffering".
Maybe too redundant with the message, too repetitive sometimes...
* Despite the high value that I give to the author's experiences and opinions, and how much they resonate to me, unfortunately not a single study is mentioned to back up anything (no data, no scientific studies, no numbers at all, nothing...).