Dale Carnegie: How to Win Friends and Influence People (AudiobookFormat, 1998, Simon & Schuster Audio)
7 hrs and 15 mins
Idioma English
Publicado el 30 de septiembre de 1998 por Simon & Schuster Audio.
3 estrellas
(3 reseñas)
This grandfather of all people-skills books was first published in 1937. It was an overnight hit, eventually selling 15 million copies. How to Win Friends and Influence People is just as useful today as it was when it was first published, because Dale Carnegie had an understanding of human nature that will never be outdated. Financial success, Carnegie believed, is due 15 percent to professional knowledge and 85 percent to "the ability to express ideas, to assume leadership, and to arouse enthusiasm among people." He teaches these skills through underlying principles of dealing with people so that they feel important and appreciated. He also emphasizes fundamental techniques for handling people without making them feel manipulated. Carnegie says you can make someone want to do what you want them to by seeing the situation from the other person's point of view and "arousing in the other person an eager want." You …
This grandfather of all people-skills books was first published in 1937. It was an overnight hit, eventually selling 15 million copies. How to Win Friends and Influence People is just as useful today as it was when it was first published, because Dale Carnegie had an understanding of human nature that will never be outdated. Financial success, Carnegie believed, is due 15 percent to professional knowledge and 85 percent to "the ability to express ideas, to assume leadership, and to arouse enthusiasm among people." He teaches these skills through underlying principles of dealing with people so that they feel important and appreciated. He also emphasizes fundamental techniques for handling people without making them feel manipulated. Carnegie says you can make someone want to do what you want them to by seeing the situation from the other person's point of view and "arousing in the other person an eager want." You learn how to make people like you, win people over to your way of thinking, and change people without causing offense or arousing resentment. For instance, "let the other person feel that the idea is his or hers," and "talk about your own mistakes before criticizing the other person." Carnegie illustrates his points with anecdotes of historical figures, leaders of the business world, and everyday folks.
I understand that this book was written in an entirely different period all-together, however, the pace following each point is far too slowed. Carnegie tells multiple stories for every argument he makes in relation to the human psyche and these all help to sell said arguments but also slow the book's overall pace down as you already know what the outcome of each story will be. Definitely some fascinating arguments and, given how short it is, I would absolutely recommend people to read How to Win Friends and Influence People but it is slow.
Started off really strongly, but quickly became boring
3 estrellas
As the book went on, it became more of a chore to read. There are a lot of good ideas in the book, but I feel as though there are too many similar examples that have the same results and very few will stick with me.
Review of 'How To Win Friends & Influence People [Sep 24, 2016] Carnegie, Dale' on 'Goodreads'
3 estrellas
3'5 estrellas. Es un libro del que se pueden aprender unas cuantas cosas importantes, teniendo en cuenta que fue escrito en 1937. Tiene ese estilo tan americano de contar anécdota tras anécdota que en ocasiones pasas de una a la siguiente sin haberte dado cuenta, como si estuvieras escuchando directamente al autor hablándote. Personalmente no me gusta ese estilo, aunque comprendo su efectividad en la época. Por otra parte lo que enseña el libro merece la pena ser leído. Algunos consejos pueden parecer obvios o reduccionistas, otros muy de anuncio de televisión, pero no se puede negar que cuenta un montón de verdades, y las más importantes son las que implican el cambio de actitud y de forma de ver la vida para empatizar y apreciar más a los demás, ya que es la única forma de usar los consejos sin que sean (y todo el mundo sepa que son) …
3'5 estrellas. Es un libro del que se pueden aprender unas cuantas cosas importantes, teniendo en cuenta que fue escrito en 1937. Tiene ese estilo tan americano de contar anécdota tras anécdota que en ocasiones pasas de una a la siguiente sin haberte dado cuenta, como si estuvieras escuchando directamente al autor hablándote. Personalmente no me gusta ese estilo, aunque comprendo su efectividad en la época. Por otra parte lo que enseña el libro merece la pena ser leído. Algunos consejos pueden parecer obvios o reduccionistas, otros muy de anuncio de televisión, pero no se puede negar que cuenta un montón de verdades, y las más importantes son las que implican el cambio de actitud y de forma de ver la vida para empatizar y apreciar más a los demás, ya que es la única forma de usar los consejos sin que sean (y todo el mundo sepa que son) meras herramientas manipulativas de marketing. Cuando superas esa barrera y buscas tu propio cambio es cuando los consejos son útiles.