La civilización del espectáculo

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Mario Vargas Llosa: La civilización del espectáculo (Spanish language, 2012, Alfaguara/Santillana)

226 páginas

Idioma Spanish

Publicado el 18 de Diciembre de 2012 por Alfaguara/Santillana.

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1 estrella (1 reseña)

The author puts forth a hard and somber interpretation of our times. Our civilization has turned into entertainment, gossip, enjoyment, and has adopted a carefree, devil-may-care attitude, ignoring what is happening as long as it has its fix of soccer, bull fighting, baseball, cheap entertainment, talk shows, irresponsible yellow journalism, and exploitation of the poor. The idea is: have fun, keep boredom at bay, and avoid what bothers, worries and anguishes us. In fact modern culture makes it a social mandate.

9 ediciones


  • Civilización occidental
  • Modern Civilization
  • Western Civilization
  • Opiniones políticas y sociales
  • Civilización moderna
  • Distraction (Philosophy)
  • Political and social views