
Idioma English

Publicado el 8 de Marzo de 1996

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4 estrellas (4 reseñas)

Happy Hogswatch! Time to hang up your stocking, kidnap the Tooth Fairy (or at least one of her many underpaid associate representatives,) pick some locks, use some very old magick, and assassinate an anthropomorphic personification. However the Oh-god of Hangovers, Susan, her granddad Death, and his noble servant Albert are working hard to save the day, I mean, eve.

9 ediciones

reseñó Hogfather de Terry Pratchett

Holiday reading

5 estrellas

A few years back, I added this to my list of Christmas reads - books I reread (or at least think about rereading) every year during the holidays, books that get me in the mood, because of content (this one, obviously) or past associations (Lord of the Rings) or because somehow they seem to me to suit the season, in the same way that fires, green branches inside, lights, rich food and so on do, that contribute to the hygge.

Hogfather is set in Discworld, where most of Terry Pratchett's books are set. Like most of his books, it riffs off some aspect of our world - in this case Christmas - in a satirical but loving and insightful way. In this book, the Hogfather - a Santa Claus/Spirit of the Solstice figure - is incapacitated by some creatures who are opposed to human creativity. And Death has to step …

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