Love to Loathe You

From the Bestselling Author of the Love Hypothesis

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Ali Hazelwood: Love to Loathe You (2023, Little, Brown Book Group Limited)

Idioma English

Publicado el 2023 por Little, Brown Book Group Limited.

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3 estrellas (1 reseña)

1 edición

Review of 'Love to Loathe You' on 'Storygraph'

3 estrellas

This book contains the 3 love stories of friends from a STEM PhD programme. The STEM parts are pretty great. The stories are different in the details, although the same in essence: girl meets the boy that turns out to be the love of her live.  This reinforces the, very toxic, romantic love narrative, times three. The 3 partners are basically the same big man with different colour of hair. I feel that having STEM women as main characters is not enough, as all the stories from the author are in essence the same.