Le grand abandon

Tapa dura, 608 páginas

Idioma Français

Publicado el 12 de Enero de 2021 por Bragelonne.

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4 estrellas (4 reseñas)

Dans un monde ravagé par le changement climatique, au sein d'une société dominée par la richesse, Hubert « Etc » Espinoza, Seth et Natalie n'ont nulle part où aller. Pourtant une autre façon de vivre se dessine, grâce aux progrès de la technologie. Alors, comme des centaines de milliers d'autres, le trio décide de tourner le dos aux règles établies pour… tout abandonner. Mais le danger est partout : les terres dévastées par le réchauffement de la planète ne connaissent plus de lois et fourmillent de prédateurs. Bravant les menaces, les premiers Abandonneurs construisent les bases de ce qui pourrait devenir une utopie de l'abondance. Avant de découvrir l'unique chose que les ultrariches n'ont jamais pu acheter : le moyen de vaincre la mort…

7 ediciones

Leaves questions unanswered, and I'm ok with that

4 estrellas

Walkaway embaces the idea of non compliance and co-operation, building a better future by leaving the trappings of capitalism behind. It's distinctly post-capitalist novel, which makes a strong effort to embrace anarchist ideals. Some of those ideals extend beyond the now, and a lot of the ideas are really quite big. It also presents some really uncomfortable questions and ideas, that don't necessarily sit easily. Walkaway starts on the idea of walking away from objects and things, but gradually starts exploring the idea of walking away from your own identity. I'm not entirely sure if some of those questions were intentional, but they left me pondering for days at the end of the book.

Well done.

Gran libro, mal timing (personal)

3 estrellas

Qué rabia los libros que sabes que tendrían que haberte encantado y que te llegan en un momento complicado que no te permite dedicarles la atención que merecen. Este libro está lleno de ideas poderosísimas y me resonaba a muchos niveles. Pero he tardado mucho en leerlo porque apenas he podido sacar tiempo para él. Las veces que he podido me enfrascaba en él y devoraba las páginas. Pero luego igual se me juntaba una semana sin abrirlo. Y es una lástima, porque el mundo utópico/distópico que plantea es interesantísimo y un tanto aterrador por lo plausible que resulta. Una gran novela de ciencia ficción que me ha llegado en el peor momento. Una pena.

A vindicating romp for faraday-cage-wallet-toting, gait-altering, cyanogenmod-installing, cypherpunk githubbers everywhere

5 estrellas

Walkaway by @pluralistic@mamot.fr has been described as a utopian novel in a sea of dystopian alternatives, although I'd say it's actually both utopian and dystopian. It takes place in the 'middle distance' of the future; cars are still a thing, and they have wheels that roll on the ground, space travel isn't really a thing yet - humankind is essentially still bound to the Earth. But number of current-day issues have reached their logical culmination; from mundane technology (drones everywhere, 'interface surfaces' stuck to things instead of touch-screen smartphones, 3D printer 'fabs' are ubiquitous, capable of printing machines, clothing, and food) to the Big Issues of our time: Social inequality is extreme, with the overwhelming majority of the populous trapped in a struggling middle-class of insecure wage slaves, ruled by a tiny over-class of 'zottas', the hyper-rich owners of everything, from real estate, through business and roboticized industry, to intellectual …

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2 estrellas


  • dystopie