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Raymond Chandler: Playback (French language, J'ai Lu)

Idioma French

Publicado por J'ai Lu.

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Playback is a novel by American-British writer Raymond Chandler featuring the private detective Philip Marlowe. It was first published in Britain in July 1958; the US edition followed in October that year. Chandler died the following year; Playback is his last completed novel. On 8 January 1947 Universal announced they had bought a story from Raymond Chandler called Playback. Joseph Sistrom was assigned to produce the film and it was intended Chandler would write the script. The novel was reworked by Chandler from the screenplay. The script, thought by some to be superior to the novel (generally considered to be the weakest of the seven Marlowe novels, perhaps because of its less complex plot and pat resolution), was published posthumously. Playback is the only Marlowe novel completed by Chandler that is set somewhere other than Los Angeles. The setting is the town of Esmeralda, a fictional name for La Jolla, …

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Solemos tener los lectores la curiosa costumbre -se acierte o no- de asociar las características de la criatura con las de su creador. Tal vez sea mala influencia de la cultura judeocristiana con aquello de que “creó Dios al hombre (varón y hembra) a imagen suya”. El caso es que si hay dos seres cuya semejanza tira por tierra tal argumento son indefectiblemente el detective Philip Marlowe y el escritor Raymond Chandler.

He de decir de entrada, que me siento un poco huérfano, como el propio Marlowe, tras acabar de gozar sus andanzas quijotescas (porque locuelo es un rato) y sentir a todas luces que va a ser difícil poder disfrutar y sonreír con descaro de la misma forma que lo he hecho con los diálogos sardónicos, cínicos y políticamente incorrectos de este tipo medio alcohólico al que le encanta la poesía y el ajedrez (aparte de una buena copichuela …

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