
Tapa blanda, 340 páginas

Idioma German

Publicado el 12 de Marzo de 2015 por DuMont Buchverlag.

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2 estrellas (2 reseñas)

"Michel Renault is a human void. Following the death of the father he barely knew, he endures his civil service job while eking out an existence of prepackaged pleasure, hollow friendships, TV dinners, and pornography. On a group holiday in Thailand, however, he meets the shyly compelling Valerie, who soon pursues an agenda that Michel himself could never have thought possible: his own humanization." "Back in Paris, they plunge into an affair that strays into S&M, public sex, and partner swapping, even as they devise a scheme to save Valerie's ailing travel company by capitalizing on the only trade Michel has seen flourish in the third World. Before long, he quits his job, and their business model for "sex tourism" is gradually implemented. But when they return to Thailand, where Michel's philosophy will be put into practice, he discovers that sex is neither the most consuming nor dangerous of passions."--BOOK …

18 ediciones

Me ha gustado leerlo, pero tampoco lo recomendaría sin pensar

3 estrellas

Tenía pendiente leer algo de Houellebecq y elegí Plataforma hace unas semanas. Lo pillé con fuerza, pero por alguna razón lo dejé un poco de lado a mediados de libro. Sin embargo, la última parte ha volado rápidamente, no sé si por la velocidad en la historia, por lo excitante de las escenas sexuales que aparecen sin esperarlo, por las ideas controvertidas en la forma de pensar y vivir de los protagonistas o por qué. Reseña completa aquí:

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