Carlos Sisí

Información sobre le autore

Carlos Sisí Cavia
Fecha de nacimiento:
5 de Enero de 1971

Enlaces externos

Carlos Sisí Cavia was born in Madrid in 1971. A businessman and writer who runs an online digital magazine and a family business of design and Internet solutions, he saw his first work published in 2009. He currently lives in Malaga, the city where he set his novel Los caminantes (The Walkers), which has become a series that is now in its fifth instalment. in 2013 he won the Minotauro Novel Prize for his work Panteón.

Source: Carlos Sisí on Wikipedia.

Libros de Carlos Sisí

Carlos Sisí: Los caminantes (Spanish language, 2009, Dolmen) 3 estrellas

Los caminantes


Carlos Sisí: Nigromante (2018, Minotauro) 3 estrellas



Carlos Sisí: Gris (Castellano language, Minotauro) 4 estrellas

