Giorgio Colli

Información sobre le autore

Fecha de nacimiento:
16 de Diciembre de 1917
Fecha de defunción:
16 de Diciembre de 1979

Enlaces externos

Giorgio Colli (1917 – 6 January 1979) was an Italian philosopher, philologist and historian. A native of Turin, taught ancient philosophy at Pisa's university for thirty years; he edited and translated Aristotle's Organon and Kant's Critique of Pure Reason for Einaudi, a major publishing house in Italy. Subsequently, he produced the first complete edition of Nietzsche's work (including all the posthumous fragments chronologically ordered) together with his friend Mazzino Montinari. His work culminated in La Sapienza greca, an edition and translation of the "Presocratics" (a term he rejected). Interrupted by his death in January 1979, it was supposed to be in eleven volumes.

Source: Giorgio Colli on Wikipedia.

Libros de Giorgio Colli