Steven Kotler

Información sobre le autore

Fecha de nacimiento:
20 de Agosto de 1967

Enlaces externos

Steven Kotler is an American author, journalist, and entrepreneur. His articles have appeared in over 70 publications, including The New York Times Magazine, LA Times, Wired, Time magazine, GQ, Discover, Popular Science, Outside, Men’s Journal, Details and National Geographic Adventure. He is best known for his non-fiction books, including the New York Times bestseller Abundance, A Small Furry Prayer, West of Jesus, Bold, The Rise of Superman and Stealing Fire.Kotler is well regarded as one of the world's leading experts on Ultimate Human Performance. While best known for his work on Flow, Kotler also writes about the use of other non-ordinary states of consciousness in optimizing performance. He is also the Founder of the Flow Research Collective, a research and training organization. The mission of the Flow Research Collective is to understand the science behind ultimate human performance and use it to train up individuals and organizations. By decoding the neurobiology of flow—understanding what is going on in the brain and in the body when humans are performing at their best—the Collective believes they can open up a new possibility space for human potential. Flow Research Collective also trains leaders in all domains to get more flow so they can …

Libros de Steven Kotler