Jonathan Safran Foer

Información sobre le autore

ג'ונתן ספרן פויר, Jonatan Safran Foir, ジョナサン・サフラン・フォア, y 10 otros ג׳ונתן ספרן פויר, جاناتان سفرن فور, Джонатан Сафран Фоер, Jonathan Safran-Foer, Džonatan Safran Foer, Ջոնաթան Սաֆրան Ֆոեր, Jonathan Safran Foer, ジョナサン・サフラン フォア, 조너선 새프런 포어, Safran Foer
Fecha de nacimiento:
8 de Agosto de 1977

Enlaces externos

Jonathan Safran Foer (; born February 21, 1977) is an American novelist. He is known for his novels Everything Is Illuminated (2002), Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close (2005), Here I Am (2016), and for his non-fiction works Eating Animals (2009) and We Are the Weather: Saving the Planet Begins at Breakfast (2019). He teaches creative writing at New York University.

Libros de Jonathan Safran Foer