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TheGr8Whoopdini Locked account

Joined 3 years, 4 months ago

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Edgar Rice Burroughs: Tarzan of the Apes (EBook, 2021, Standard Ebooks) 3 stars

The baby of an English aristocratic family becomes orphaned in the equatorial African jungle, and …

The Standard Ebooks project ( has inspired me to delve into the classics—both of literature in general, and of genre/pulp fiction specifically, so that my knowledge of the field and creative output (especially as a worldbuilder and Dungeon Master/aspiring RPG writer) might grow. I figured it would be easiest to start with something that is familiar, and what could be more familiar than the basis for one of my favorite Disney movies?

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If you’re wondering why it’s important enough to the global economy that it’s worth risking a world war to keep ships going through the Suez Canal, you should know:

The Panama Canal is barely functioning. Drought caused by , and the same weather patterns that caused coral bleaching in Florida have made it impossible to maintain water levels in the system of locks that move ships over Panama

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