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Los libros de Norberto Chavez
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Norberto Chavez valoró Cuenta regresiva: 3 estrellas
Norberto Chavez valoró Demian: 2 estrellas

Demian por Hermann Hesse
Demian: The Story of Emil Sinclair's Youth is a Bildungsroman by Hermann Hesse, first published in 1919; a prologue was …
Norberto Chavez valoró The soul-giver =: 5 estrellas
Norberto Chavez valoró Extrano Caso del Dr. Jeckyll y Mr. Hyde: 3 estrellas
Norberto Chavez valoró Momo/Momo (SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION): 4 estrellas

Momo/Momo (SPANISH LANGUAGE EDITION) por Michael Ende
The Neverending Story is Michael Ende's best-known book, but Momo, published six years earlier, is the all-ages fantasy novel that …
Norberto Chavez valoró El arte de amar/ The Art of Loving: 2 estrellas

Erich Fromm: El arte de amar/ The Art of Loving (2007, Paidos Iberica Ediciones S a)
El arte de amar/ The Art of Loving por Erich Fromm
"The Art of Loving" (1956) is a seminal work by psychoanalyst and social philosopher Erich Fromm. In this book, Fromm …
Norberto Chavez valoró Brave new world: 4 estrellas

Aldous Huxley: Brave new world (1974, Penguin)
Brave new world por Aldous Huxley
Originally published in 1932, this outstanding work of literature is more crucial and relevant today than ever before. Cloning, feel-good …
Norberto Chavez valoró El Viajero: 3 estrellas
Norberto Chavez valoró LA Iliada/the Iliada (Alba): 3 estrellas
Norberto Chavez valoró Ensayo Sobre La Ceguera (Biblioteca Jose Saramago): 4 estrellas

Ensayo Sobre La Ceguera (Biblioteca Jose Saramago) por José Saramago
Una ceguera blanca se expande de manera fulminante. Internados en cuarentena o perdidos por la ciudad, los ciegos deben enfrentarse …
Norberto Chavez valoró Azteca/aztec (Novela Historica): 2 estrellas
Norberto Chavez valoró 1984 by George Orwell: 4 estrellas

1984 by George Orwell por George Orwell
Nineteen Eighty-Four: A Novel, often referred to as 1984, is a dystopian social science fiction novel by the English novelist …
Norberto Chavez valoró La Divina Comedia (Literatura Medieval): 2 estrellas

La Divina Comedia (Literatura Medieval) por Dante Alighieri
Issue: до 2011-01
Norberto Chavez valoró Hojarasca, La: 3 estrellas

Hojarasca, La por Gabriel García Márquez
First published in 1955 but not translated into English until 1972 this slim novel is set in the fictional town …