Трон зі скла

тверда, 544 páginas

Idioma Ukrainian

Publicado el 7 de Julio de 2021 por Vivat.

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4 estrellas (2 reseñas)

Найбезстрашнішій з усіх асасинок Адарлену лише вісімнадцять. Селена — видатна вбивця, здатна вижити в соляних копальнях, де вона тяжко гарувала, і спробувати втекти з місця, з якого ще нікому не вдалось вибратися живим. В обмін на свободу король дає їй змогу побути його вірною оборонницею, але для цього треба виграти змагання. Злодії, асасини та воїни з усієї країни зійдуться в поєдинку, щоб здобути почесті, непогану платню та шанс стати вільними. Але в Селени значна перевага: вона неначе має магію в крові й попри всі закони Адарлену має намір цим скористатися, адже треба стражденним нарешті дати відсіч своїм поневолювачам. Коли раптом суперники починають один по одному помирати страшною смертю, змагання Селени за свободу перетворюється на борню за виживання, у якій вона має подолати непізнане зло.

24 ediciones

Review of 'Throne of glass' on 'Goodreads'

4 estrellas

A good, fast-paced read, but not quite as good as Maas's later work; certainly feels the Y in YA. Can be read as a standalone but is probably better if you continue on to read the whole series (I assume).

To summarize it briefly: Celaena, a proficient assassin, has been in the salt mines for a year when she is taken out by Prince Dorian and his guard captain Chaol to be the prince's candidate in a competition to find the next King's Champion. But someone, or something, is picking off candidates even outside of the competitions designed to winnow out the unworthy. Celaena's heart is also pulled into two directions, between the overtly romantic Dorian and the steadfast Chaol.

The major drawback to the book is that it's so clearly written to be part of a series. For instance, from very early on, I started to suspect that Maas …

Review of 'Throne of glass' on 'Goodreads'

4 estrellas

Throne of Glass was a fun read. It was not particularly thought provoking, the characters were not particularly compelling, and the plot was not particularly inventive. It was still fun though. I enjoyed every page. There was not a point where it bogged down in nonsense as there so often is in a book that is trying to set up a large series. It kept up its pace, and kept my attention and for that I have to commend it. I liked the characters by the end of it. The two primary male characters were sort of two dimensional until about 3/4 of the way through the book, but they came into their own by the end. I would recommend it as what my wife calls "popcorn reading." Fun, but not nourishing.