Idioma English
Introduction to Permaculture
The Manual with its detailed coverage of design strategies for Earth's climates is a weighty read. Some wish to make a difference in the landscape with less investment in study. And you can make significant differences using the design strategies found within. The introduction to Permaculture was written with that purpose. Additionally, it contains numerous pieces of information that Bill wrote about after he wrote the Manual. Abundantly illustrated with detailed diagrams and line drawings throughout. includes a listing of useful Permaculture plants with descriptions and uses, and a further species list in useful categories. Topics include energy efficient site analysis, planning and design methods, house placement, design for temperate, dry-land and tropical regions, urban Permaculture garden layouts, land access and community funding systems, chicken and pig forage systems, orchards and home wood lots, how to influence micro-climate and a large section on selected plant species with climatic tolerances, heights …
The Manual with its detailed coverage of design strategies for Earth's climates is a weighty read. Some wish to make a difference in the landscape with less investment in study. And you can make significant differences using the design strategies found within. The introduction to Permaculture was written with that purpose. Additionally, it contains numerous pieces of information that Bill wrote about after he wrote the Manual. Abundantly illustrated with detailed diagrams and line drawings throughout. includes a listing of useful Permaculture plants with descriptions and uses, and a further species list in useful categories. Topics include energy efficient site analysis, planning and design methods, house placement, design for temperate, dry-land and tropical regions, urban Permaculture garden layouts, land access and community funding systems, chicken and pig forage systems, orchards and home wood lots, how to influence micro-climate and a large section on selected plant species with climatic tolerances, heights and uses.