Le fromage et les vers

l'univers d'un meunier du XVIe siècle

220 páginas

Idioma French

Publicado el 19 de Enero de 1980 por Flammarion.

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Offers a study of culture in the sixteenth century as seen through the eyes of one man, the miller known as Menocchio, who was accused of heresy during the Inquisition and sentenced to death. This book illustrates the confusing political and religious conditions of the time.

17 ediciones


  • Scandella, Domenico, -- 1532-1601.
  • Paysannerie -- Italie -- Frioul.
  • Hérésies et hérétiques -- Italie -- Frioul.
  • Hérésies et hérétiques -- 1500-(Période moderne)
  • Frioul, Italie -- Vie religieuse.
  • Frioul, Italie -- Civilisation.
  • Frioul, Italie -- Histoire religieue.