Game Changer

hardcover, 272 páginas

Publicado el 9 de Febrero de 2021 por Quill Tree Books.

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4 estrellas (1 reseña)

2 ediciones

Comforting personal journey

4 estrellas

I may be in the minority here when I say that I don't really care if white authors are writing "woke books." If it seems shallow to one person, it may seem deep to others.

Before I begin, I should say this book tackles a lot of heavy subjects. The protagonist becomes gay. That will become apparent when you read the book, and, while it may come across as insincere preaching to some, I honestly believe the author put Ash, the protagonist, through their own personal woke journey the author went through.

It's because I thought the author was honestly sincere in his racism 101 and homofobia 101 that I enjoyed this book and, quite frankly, I really enjoyed Ash's growth.

Ash gets hit on the American football field one day and gets knocked into a parallel universe, and bounces from universe to universe. The universes all take place in …