Dandelion Wine (Grand Master Editions)

school & library binding

Idioma English

Publicado el 17 de Octubre de 1999 por Tandem Library.

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4 estrellas (3 reseñas)

The summer of '28 was a vintage season for a growing boy. A summer of green apple trees, mowed lawns, and new sneakers. Of half-burnt firecrackers, of gathering dandelions, of Grandma's belly-busting dinner. It was a summer of sorrows and marvels and gold-fuzzed bees. A magical, timeless summer in the life of a twelve-year-old boy named Douglas Spaulding—remembered forever by the incomparable Ray Bradbury.

Dandelion Wine is unique amongst the works of the popular author Ray Bradbury, in that it provides us with perhaps the clearest insight into the thoughts and feelings of the author. The book was published in 1957, perhaps over twenty years after the era which it is about, thus providing an inevitable theme of nostalgia throughout the book. The principal character, Douglas Spalding, and his brother Tom, encounter a series of adventures which are described in a crafted and distinguished manner to provide a philosophical tone …

39 ediciones

Took a bit to get into, but it gained momentum and I'm glad I stuck with it

3 estrellas

This book was a bit tough for me to get into at first. It took some careful reading to get the gist of what it was all about, and then it was so simple...almost. It's a summer story, the summer of 1928 to be precise.

It's kind of interesting because it's a story that gets you really thinking about the minds of kids, and what they think and what they believe, such as the belief in some kids that old ladies were never little girls, or that you could bottle memories in dandelion wine.

I think the story had a bit of magic in it, I just wish it didn't take so long for me to get into it. But once i did, I kept going at it. It's definitely different than what I'm used to with Bradbury in a sense because at first it didn't seem like a lot …

Preserving the summer

5 estrellas

Dandelion Wine is a coming of age story, infused with the magic of childhood. It's about that first discovery and sharp awareness of being alive, and the attempt to relish every day of the summer. But that sense of life always comes with its twin shadow: the realization of mortality, the experience of loss, friends leaving, and the death of someone you love. What's at stake is to always reaffirm that first sensation of life. For this a new kind of magic is needed: the ethics of passing over the help your received onto others. Summer will be gone but we can preserve the wine of summer in bottles to help us through the winters to come. This is our mundane act of creation that sustains life in all its mystery.

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4 estrellas


  • Science Fiction
  • Fiction
  • Fiction - Science Fiction
  • Classics
  • Science Fiction - General