Avram Davidson

Información sobre le autore

Fecha de nacimiento:
23 de Abril de 1923
Fecha de defunción:
8 de Mayo de 1993

Enlaces externos

Avram Davidson was born in Yonkers, New York. He was educated in public schools, then studied anthropology at New York University before joining the U.S. Navy in 1942. He served as a hospital corpsman (medic), first with the Naval Air Corps, and then with the Fifth Marines. After the war, he travelled in England, Europe and the Eastern Mediterranean before returning the the U.S. to resume his education. He continued his education at several schools, but never earned a degree. In 1950 he returned to the U.S. to study at an agricultural school, then went to Israel to become a shepherd. He returned to New York City shortly after and began his writing career as a Talmudic scholar, publishing short stories and several essays in Orthodox Jewish Life beginning in 1949 and in Commentary beginning in 1952, under the name A. A. Davidson. He was very active in the Orthodox Jewish community in New York City during this period. His first published science fiction story, "My Boy Friend's Name is Jello," appeared in Fantasy & Science Fiction in 1954. In 1961 he met Grania Kaiman, and they were married in early 1962, and had a son in November 1962. He …

Libros de Avram Davidson